How Can I Empower You?

When people come to me for help, I ask about the dreams bottled up inside. The fears and obstacles in their way. The problems they are uniquely qualified to solve. The hidden gifts they hold back. 


Flow is like letting go of a balloon full of air. Your life takes off in unexpected directions. Material attachments become less important than learning and meaningful experiences. Exponential increases in performance, creativity, and happiness. Consciousness expands and vision becomes limitless.


Get ready to take off. Let’s embark on a journey together.

Courses and Group Coaching

I offer a number of courses that include group coaching, membership areas, and lifetime access. Sign-up for a free Flow Life Design masterclass and start transforming your flow right now. 

1:1 Coaching

Coaching is the fastest way to achieve exponential impact and extraordinary breakthroughs in your life and work. Often times top performers excel by being gifted in 1-2 areas of flow, at the expense of not developing others. Minor shifts in flow can lead to immense outputs and transformations of consciousness. 


In my 1:1 coaching, I utilize approaches from design thinking and agile development to hack and accelerate flow. Prototype and test practices that optimize your productivity and happiness, then integrate the best practices into your life flow practice. Follow a similar process for teams, innovation, and achieving larger life and work goals. 

Book Me for a Keynote

I love speaking about flow, innovation, co-creation, and consciousness - the balance between timeless wisdom and the emerging future. As a former religion scholar who became an innovation expert and author of four books, I have a unique perspective to share with extensive practical experience and stories to draw upon. Possible keynote topics include the power of flow; technology and the evolution of consciousness; blockchain, decentralization, and the future of collaboration; mysticism and technologies of the self; and more. 

Want to be a Flow Coach?

Flow Life Design is a great one-month program to take clients through with repeatable processes, outcomes, and results. I'll give you all of the frameworks, tools, practices and presentations. Coaches who complete my one-month course have the option to pursue additional training to become a Flow Coach.

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